One of the advantages to being an Austin Aquanaut dive club member is early access to the Tom's Dive and Swim Used Equipment Sale. Come on out and take advantage of this great opportunity. You have exclusive access to the great selection of used equipment and demo gear the day before the sale opens up for everyone else.
We will have snacks and beverages available for you to enjoy during this sale event.
REMINDER: We want your used gear! We are accepting Used Equipment for consignment from Monday, February 10th, through the Wednesday, February 19th. Bring us your serviceable and safe equipment and we will help find it a new home! Click here to see the consignment form. We, unfortunately, will limit some types of gear that we will accept so be sure to come in early to get your gear included in the sale!
This is an Austin Aquanauts Dive Club member-only event. We will verify current membership at the door! (Yes, this is THAT big of a sale!)
Your card can be found by clicking on your name, next to the orange icon on the home page, and selecting "View Profile". Select the "Printable PDF" option if you want to download it to your phone or bring it with you.
Not a member yet? Sign up HERE.
Google Maps for Tom's Dive and Swim.
Tom's Dive and Swim | 5909 Burnet Rd., Austin, TX 78757 512-451-4607 | Store Hours: Monday-Friday 9:30 - 6:30 & Saturday 9:30 - 5:00